NFL rumors: Ravens linked to Derrick Henry amid impending Titans departure

The Ravens are becoming increasingly more linked to Derrick Henry.

Derrick Henry’s time with the Tennessee Titans is seemingly coming to an end. The question of what his next team will be has yet to be answered. The Baltimore Ravens are emerging as a very likely destination.

According to Jeremy Fowler of ESPN, Henry is “unlikely to return to Tennessee” and Baltimore “has been linked to him.”

Derrick Henry in a Ravens jersey and Lamar Jackson

The Ravens are one of the best teams in football, making themselves an obvious destination for a veteran star like Henry. The Titans were unable to make a winner around the superstar running back. Baltimore may have to continue proving its elite status but it very much still has the talent to do so.

Henry has already been linked to the Ravens in less certain ways. With running backs J.K. Dobbins and Gus Edwards hitting free agency, the 30-year-old Henry would have a clear pathway to playing time. His usage wouldn’t be as high as it was with the Titans but that would perhaps be a good thing, as the aging star can limit the amount of hits on his body.

After amassing 1,000 rushing yards in five of the last six seasons (and over 900 in the lone other season, where he played just eight games), Henry’s workload should be limited so that he can stay healthy. The Ravens have a strong infrastructure to welcome him in.

Plenty of teams out there could use Derrick Henry’s services, including several championship contenders. The Ravens teaming Henry up with Lamar Jackson should help both parties as they look to win the Super Bowl.

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