Aaron Rodgers Pinpoints Two Free Agents He Hopes Jets Re-Sign

New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers made a guest appearance on Cameron Hanes’s Keep Hammering Collective podcast this week, during which he discussed his NFL career and his expectations for the coming season.

Among the topics broached, Rodgers pinpointed a pair of Jets free agents he’s hoping the team will be able to re-sign during the offseason.

With multiple veteran players potentially on their way out of New York, Rodgers made clear he’s hoping the team will retain punter Thomas Morstead and kicker Greg Zuerlein.

“We had last year an incredible kicker and punter. Both older guys, which I love. But Thomas Morstead was our punter, he had a phenomenal season,” Rodgers said. “He’s in his late 30s but takes care of himself incredibly well. He was just a weapon for us, with hang time, with inside-the-20 punts, inside-the-10 punts.

“They were game changing plays.”

Morstead, who turns 38 on Thursday, had a fantastic first season with the Jets in 2023, and Rodgers expressed the importance of bringing him back in order to maintain their edge on special teams.

“And then Greg Zuerlein, our kicker, had a phenomenal year. I think he only missed two kicks all year. He’s just a weapon, and he can hit it from anywhere. He can hit it from 60 [yards]. Every kick is a touchback for us. Those are weapons, so, I’d like to see those guys back, for sure,” he added.

Zuerlein, 36, converted on 35-of-38 field goal attempts last season and 15-of-16 extra points. Both he and Morstead seemed to have left a strong impression on Rodgers, prompting the star quarterback to publicly hope New York brings them back in 2024.

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