Bryce Huff leaves Jets for Eagles on lucrative three-year deal

The New York Jets lost star edge rusher Bryce Huff on Monday. Huff agreed to sign with the Philadelphia Eagles, further stacking their deck alongside fellow free agent Saquon Barkley.

Bryce Huff leaves Jets for Eagles on lucrative three-year deal

Jets: Bryce Huff sets record with Eagles contract
Brian Costello of the New York Post shared the details of Huff’s contract:

“Edge rusher Bryce Huff, who led the team in sacks last season, agreed to a three-year, $51.1 million contract with the Eagles, a source confirmed,” Costello said.

“The deal pays him an average of $17 million per season and can go as high as $20,033 million per year, according to the NFL Network.”

Huff’s contract makes him the highest-paid non-QB undrafted free agent in NFL history. The 6-3 pass-rusher’s body of work warranted such a paycheck.

What Huff did to get top dollars:
The Memphis product put up a whopping 10 sacks in 2023. He received a 79.7 player grade from Pro Football Focus for his efforts during the year.

The Eagles found Huff as a viable option to strengthen their D-Line. As a unit, they racked up 43 sacks last season, which only 13 teams failed to best of equal.

The Jets now have a major void in the department. They’ll also have to replace his 21 quarterback hits in 2024.

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