Denver Broncos Ring of Famer Karl Mecklenburg rips Russell Wilson: ‘self centeredness’

The Denver Broncos – Russell Wilson divorce is currently going down. And people across the country are chiming in.

Many are calling it the worst trade in Denver Broncos history. Some even say it’s the worst trade in NFL history.

Russell Wilson to be released after 2 years with Denver Broncos | CNN

Considering the Broncos sent the Seattle Seahawks two first-round picks, two second-round picks and three players for Wilson, who played poorly in Denver; yeah, it’s all-time bad.

But it turns out a local legend wasn’t a fan of the Broncos quarterback, either.

Karl Mecklenburg calls out Russell Wilson on Twitter
Denver announced they will part ways with Wilson on March 13 yesterday, and eat $85 million in dead cap over the next two years.

For many fans, moving on from Wilson is a breath of fresh air. He’s been the focal point of the team for the last two years. First, as one of the worst starters in the league in 2022. Then, as a much-improved version ofahimself last year before the benching and the following drama. Some of it completely contrived.

Now, as many drag the Broncos organization and GM George Paton through the mud, a Broncos legend decided to take a shot at the departing quarterback.


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It reads:

Russell Wilson isn’t a leader. The foolishness that went on in his first year at Denver with a private coach, his own office at the facility, and family at training camp when other players didn’t have those privileges, proved his self centeredness (sic).

Maybe “Meck” has a point.

Hey, Sean Payton called it out himself in the preseason, in regards to what Nathaniel Hackett let fly in 2022. Not only did he say of Hackett, “It might have been one of the worst coaching jobs in the history of the NFL.” Payton also spoke to the private coach, private office and more.

“That wasn’t his fault,” Payton said of Wilson’s struggles in 2022 in Jarrett Bell’s piece in USA TODAY. “That was the parents who allowed it. That’s not an incrimination on him, but an incrimination on the head coach, the GM (George Paton), the president (Damani Leech) and everybody else who watched it all happen…And that other stuff, I’ve never heard of it. We’re not doing that.”

We’ve heard other rumblings from former players about Wilson having his own office, too.

In fact, Hall of Famer and infamous talking head Shannon Sharpe said Broncos teammates were seething with the way he was treated in his first year with the team.

Don’t forget about him doing high-knees on the plane trip to London, or getting yelled at on the sidelines by teammates, either.

Ultimately for Wilson, he simply didn’t play well enough to live up to the $242 million contract extension that Paton paid him before he took a single snap in the Mile High City. Now, in even more ironic fashion, the Broncos are cutting him before he earns a dollar of that extension.

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