Golden State Warriors best trade asset ahead of the February 8 deadline

The Golden State Warriors will have some decisions to make over the next month, with the franchise expected to be active ahead of the February 8 trade deadline.

The future of a number of players could be up in the air over the next stretch, including a number of veterans who’ve underperformed on the way to a 16-17 record for the Warriors so far this season. In contrast, the younger players have often stood up in impressive fashion, meaning they’re likely to be more coveted by rival teams.

In reality, Golden State’s trade package is likely to include a mix of one or two young players combined with a veteran to make salaries work. Yet while the likes of Jonathan Kuminga and Brandin Podziemski have taken on more increased roles over recent times, it’s unlikely to be a player that’s the prized piece in a Warrior trade.

Of course, Stephen Curry is undoubtedly the franchise’s best trade asset, but that’s a moot point given the Warriors aren’t trading their best ever player. However, Golden State’s best asset, in the form of future draft picks, is directly linked to the two-time MVP.

Any move the Warriors make is likely to be predicated on prioritizing Curry’s ongoing prime, despite the fact he’s nearing 36 years of age. Golden State are eligible to trade their 2026 first-round pick, at which point Curry will be 38.

How rival teams value that pick will be fascinating, but you can be rest assured it will be a desired element particularly if the Warriors are willing to make it unprotected.

Even if some of their young players (Kuminga, Podziemski etc.) remain on the roster post-deadline, who knows where the franchise will be in two years with a 38-year-old Curry. Fellow franchise legends Klay Thompson and Draymond Green will each be 36 by the time the 2026 NBA Draft rolls around.

Golden State can also swap first-round picks in 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030, per ESPN’s Bobby Marks. The allotment of future draft capital has to be enticing, especially for rebuilding teams who are focused on building a future war chest.

The Warriors don’t particularly have an absolute blue-chip young prospect that’s going to garner a superstar player in return, but their future draft picks are going to be an incredibly attractive asset that could bring about a major difference-maker.

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