“He’s Just Not A Great Football Player.” – Denver Broncos Legend Mark Schlereth Blasts Outgoing WR Jerry Jeudy

Broncos legend Mark Schlereth has called the departure of former first round pick Jerry Jeudy from Denver as a blessing.

Jeudy was traded to the Browns for two late rounds picks in the 2024 draft and not a moment too soon for NFL on Fox broadcaster Mark Schlereth.


“Hey guys, it’s your boy stink here,” said Schlereth. “And I’ve been telling you for the last two years what a bust Jerry Jeudy is at the wide receiver position. Well, today he was traded to the Cleveland Browns for a fifth and sixth round pick. And I got this from you guys all the time. ‘But he is so quick in and out of breaks. He’s a great route runner’.

Speaking on his X platform Schlereth was determined to get his point across.

“Yeah, he is open after the quarterback has already gone through the progression. And as far as a football player, he’s just not a great football player. Doesn’t run secondary routes well to attract coverage, drops the football, doesn’t block. Good riddance! Listen, that is not the kind of player you need here in Denver to rebuild this thing. I’m more than glad he’s gone. But I’ll tell you this, I’ll never forget you Jimmy Jeudy.”

He is not the first pundit to slam Jeudy with NFL Network’s Steve Smith calling him a third-tier wide receiver.

He spent four uninspiring seasons in Denver but maybe a move to Cleveland can rejuvenate the former 15th overall pick’s career.

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