Dаn Orlovsky Mаkes A Bold Predіctіon About Cowboys Next Seаson

The Dallas Cowboys didn’t get much better in the offseason.

If anything, one could argue that they’ve gotten worse.

Jerry Jones promised to go all-in, yet the team has only spent roughly $2.5 million in free agency, and they’ve seen multiple key players walk away.

That’s why former NFL QB Dan Orlovsky doesn’t see them winning as many games as they did last season.

Talking on ESPN’s Get Up, the player-turned-analyst explained that there’s just no way this team will be able to live up to the expectations.

Orlovsky pointed out the fact that there will be at least three unknown players on their offensive line, adding that they just have three picks in the top 174 to fill at least five positions.

He stated that they have lesser talent and higher expectations, and that doesn’t usually bode well for any NFL team.

Truth be told, he’s right on point there.

They had one of the most stacked rosters in the league last season, yet they still couldn’t get the job done.

Dak Prescott had arguably the best year of his career, and he still fell short.

Their defense was good, and they still underperformed, and they won’t even have the same defensive coordinator anymore.

Looking at the big picture, there’s absolutely no reason to believe the Cowboys are a better team or will fare any better next season.

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