#1 Former Saints WR sends thank you message to New Orleans Saints in social media rant

The New Orleans Saints have had their fair share of wide receivers that did not  mind showing emotion over the past decade. An underrated option? Willie Snead IV. Snead was dynamic for the Saints for a few seasons, including his rookie year where he produced the most for their offense.

#1 Former Saints WR sends thank you message to New Orleans Saints in social media rant
#1 Former Saints WR sends thank you message to New Orleans Saints in social media rant

Snead was a fan favorite as a big body/tough catch receiver. He’s gone on to teams like the Baltimore Ravens and San Francisco 49ers, but he has not totaled the same statistics like he did in New Orleans.

Snead sent a strong message to the Saints fan base on Twitter/X on Friday.

Clearly, Snead did not feel particularly valued by the 49ers. He took a shot at them on social media, too.

As for the Saints, it does not seem likely that they will bring Snead back. He’s a free agent, but they’ve already signed two big-body WR options and drafted Bub Means. They have a lot of Snead ‘types’ in the building already.

Saints RFA Willie Snead signs two-year offer sheet with Ravens

More must-reads: here!

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